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Thanksgiving Mathematics Activities

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to introduce some holiday fun into your math lessons. These printable math games for kids will get your students practicing addition, fractions, telling time and more.

Thanksgiving Math Activities For Your Preschoolers

The holiday is also a great time to engage in a little spiral review! This fraction riddle is perfect for students who need extra practice with this skill.


Thanksgiving is a great time to encourage kids to learn math. There are many fun hands-on activities that you can do with your preschoolers to help them build basic math skills.

These math activities for preschoolers will help them develop their attention, memory, and cognitive skills. They will also make learning math more exciting and fun!

Preschoolers should practice counting items and learning the difference between more and less. They should also understand standard and non-standard units of measurement.

The Turkey Cups Counting Game is an engaging way to teach these concepts. All you need are 100 plastic cups and a set of numbers from 1 to 100.

Kindergarten – Thanksgiving Math Activities

Thanksgiving is a time for feasting, but it’s also a great opportunity to incorporate some fun and educational activities into your classroom. These math worksheets are perfect for helping your kindergarten students practice essential skills such as counting, writing numbers, adding, subtracting and more!

If you’re looking for a no prep activity that will keep your kindergarteners engaged, try these free printable thanksgiving math worksheets. With cute clipart of turkeys, pumpkins and pies, these activities will fit in perfectly with your holiday lessons!

This fun turkey math puzzle is a great way to teach multiplication expressions. Print it out for your centers or copy on cardstock and laminate for use as a classroom worksheet. It’s a simple worksheet that has blanks on the edges for students to fill in with their answers.

1st Grade – Thanksgiving Math Activities For Preschoolers

Thanksgiving math activities can be a great way to reinforce age-appropriate math concepts while kids enjoy the holiday. From word problems to a grocery shopping activity, these ready-to-go worksheets bring holiday themes into the classroom.

These printables can be used with kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders. Students can use them to practice counting, addition, subtraction, or time operations.

These printables also include different versions of math facts so you can differentiate to your students’ needs. These include math facts 1-10, and 2-digit addition and subtraction.

2nd Grade

Thanksgiving is a special time of year that celebrates all that we have to be thankful for. Your second graders will appreciate learning about this holiday while also getting in some math practice.

This free download includes 12 task cards for double digit addition, problem solving, expanded numbers and time! These are perfect for centers, as a morning work activity or to review after lunch.

These color-by-number worksheets are an excellent way for students to practice math facts while they color in a fun turkey picture! Each page contains a huge chart of math problems, which they must solve to complete their coloring sheet!

3rd Grade – Math Thanksgiving Activities

In third grade, students begin to learn more about mathematical topics. Some of these topics include: the Pythagorean Theorem, proportions, tax and discounts, fractions, area and circumference, systems of equations and unit rate.

Math word problems are a part of many of these topics so teaching kids how to solve them is a great way to connect math concepts to their everyday lives. Thanksgiving themed worksheets are a fun and easy way to introduce students to these problems!

Start the year with a group math game where kids multiply their number of things they’re thankful for to see how much it would cost them to give everyone what they’re thankful for. It’s a great way to practice multiplication and work on gratitude at the same time!

Multiplication Math Games

Multiplication math games can be a fun way to practice math facts, and they also help children develop critical math skills. They can be used for students who are learning one-digit and two-digit multiplication problems, or those who want to increase their multiplication proficiency.

Multiplication Math Games

When kids play multiplication math games, they’re able to visualize and process the content in a different way than a worksheet. This helps them learn and retain the facts better.

1. UNO

UNO, which is Italian for “one,” is a card game that has become very popular around the world. It was originally developed in 1971 by Merle Robbins, a barber from Reading, Ohio, a suburb of Cincinnati. He and his wife, Marie, started selling the game to local shops, and they began accumulating more and more fans.

The rules of Uno are pretty straightforward, with the main objective being to be the first person to call “UNO” before any other players do so. This is done by playing cards to match the top card on the discard pile, either by number, color or word.

If you don’t have the correct card to play, you can choose a Wild Draw 4 that lets you choose a card from your hand, even if it isn’t in the discard pile. This strategy is a great way to attack the leader and increase your chances of winning the round.

Another good way to get more points is to play higher numbered cards than others in your hand. This can be particularly useful if you are playing against someone who has a lot of low-numbered cards and you want to change their color to yours.

It is also important to check the other players’ cards carefully before playing a card. If you know they have more than one of a certain color, don’t play that color, because they might end up getting rid of their cards too easily.

The main goal of UNO is to be the first player to call “UNO” and then play all the cards in your hand. The game can be very fun to play, but it can also be very challenging if you don’t have any strategies.

2. Go Fish – Multiplication Math Games

Go Fish is a card game that involves player decisions and seeking objectives within a limiting context. It can be played by 3-6 people and is best for a standard 52-card deck.

In a basic game, each player is dealt a hand of 5 cards. They are then placed face-down in a stock pile.

Players then take turns requesting cards from other players, if they have them, or drawing from the stock if they don’t have them. The turn passes to the next player, clockwise.

When a player asks for a card of a certain rank, the asking player must give them all their cards of that rank (called making a catch). If they do not have the card asked for, they say “Go Fish” and draw the top card from the stock.

To win, a player must collect a pair of the same rank in each turn. Jokers can also be used to create pairs, if the player is aware of their jokers.

In games with multiple players, it is often important to make reads on other players’ hands. This can be done by hiding your own cards if possible, or counting them until you know who else has them.

Another strategy in Go Fish is to not ask for a card until you are sure that other players do not have it. This can be a great way to force more pulls from the stock, which can help you get the cards you need.

Go Fish is a fun game that can be played by 3-6 people. It is a good way to practice math skills and enhance your memory. However, it is also a game that requires luck and skill. Therefore, it can be difficult to win even when employing proper strategy.

3. Scrabble – Math Multiplication Games

Scrabble is a board game for two to four players that consists of tiles with letters on them that are laid out to form words in a grid pattern, crossword-style. Each letter tile carries a specific point value, and the board contains spaces that can multiply a word’s score.

There are many ways to improve your Scrabble skills, including learning new words and studying the game dictionary. This will help you get a better understanding of the game and increase your chances of winning.

You can also try to challenge other players’ words. This will allow you to check if a word is legitimate or not. However, you must use the dictionary to look up any word that you challenge.

If you challenge a word and the word is not in the game dictionary, you will lose your turn. This is important because the next player will have a better chance of making words with the word you challenged.

Aside from improving vocabulary and math skills, Scrabble can be fun for kids. They can spend time with their family playing the game and have a great time doing so.

The game is also a great way to introduce children to different languages. This will not only increase their language skills, but it can also help them become more confident when talking to strangers.

It is essential to understand the rules of Scrabble before you start playing. A good knowledge of the rules will make the game easier and faster. This is especially true for the beginners. You can find an extensive list of rules on the internet. You can also buy a book that will teach you how to play the game.

4. Bingo – Math Facts Games For Multiplication

Bingo is a popular game of chance that is played in bars, restaurants, and nightclubs. It can be played for cash or other prizes, and is often featured at charity fundraising events.

The basic concept of the game is simple: players mark off numbers on a card or paper sheet that conform to a pre-determined pattern. These patterns can be as simple as having five numbers marked off horizontally, vertically or diagonally, or they can be more complex, such as covering a specific arrangement of shapes or designs.

If you play this type of game, it’s important to understand how the game works. First, the caller calls out a number and places a marker on a tally card that indicates the letter and number the spinner points to. The caller then checks the players’ cards to see if the letters and numbers on their cards match the ones on the tally card.

Afterwards, the caller mixes up all of the letter-number combinations for the next game. When it’s time to play the next game, the caller can mix up all of the letter-number combinations again and call out a new number.

One of the best ways to improve your chances of winning at bingo is to join a syndicate. These groups pool their money together to buy multiple cards, which gives them a much better chance of winning each game.

Another great way to enhance the game’s appeal is to add more fun games. These can include acorn caps, acorn-shaped bingo markers, or anything else that adds a new twist to the game. In addition, you can also change the letters on your bingo cards for a more seasonal look and feel.

5. Trivia

Trivia is a game of knowledge that tests your brain’s ability to recall information. It is an effective way to improve mental performance, increase creativity and enhance decision-making capabilities.

It can also be a fun way to socialize with friends. The activity releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is known for promoting pleasure and happiness.

To play trivia, it is essential to know your subject matter well. For instance, you should have a good knowledge of history, geography, and current events.

You can learn trivia facts from books, the Internet, or other sources. You can also try to find a person who is knowledgeable in your subject matter.

The best way to improve your knowledge of trivia is to get curious and ask questions about your subject. This helps you link your prior knowledge to new information.

In addition, it can be beneficial to play trivia games with other people. This will help you develop teamwork skills and encourage cooperation.

Moreover, you should be aware that many trivia questions are designed to withhold information from players. This can make it difficult to guess the right answer, but you should be able to deduce what answer would be correct based on the clues that are provided.

Another advantage of playing trivia is that you can expand your brain’s library by learning random facts about subjects you are interested in. For example, learning about the list of US presidents can help you answer any question about President Trump.

You can also improve your trivia knowledge by listening to non-fiction audio books. These books usually include factual information about a topic and are a great way to pass the time while you’re driving, working out or hiking.

Math Games For Middle School

When students are engaged in games that focus on practicing math skills, they tend to learn more and stay interested longer. That’s a great thing!

This collection of math games for middle school offers a wide range of engaging activities that will help students practice the concepts they are learning. They’re also great for teachers to use as a way to quickly assess their students.

Pythagoras Activity

The Pythagoras Activity is an engaging math game that will keep students engaged in the classroom! In this math activity, students use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the area of triangles.

This activity also gives students a chance to build their spatial reasoning skills, as they identify different ways of finding the area of each triangle.

Math Games For Middle School

In this math game, students work in pairs to solve the Pythagorean Theorem. They use a coordinate grid to generate multiple steps and calculate the area of each triangle.

This mental math game is fun for all ages with Brighterly math for children, and it encourages players to think about multiple steps they can take in order to reach their target number. In addition, it helps students practice inverse operations and checking their calculations for accuracy.

Snowman Activity – Math Games For Middle School

The Snowman Activity is a fun and engaging winter-themed game that provides students with a chance to practice their addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills. The game also introduces students to the concept of permutations and helps them develop their counting skills.

This game is perfect for math centers, distance learning, or when you need to keep students busy and entertained while waiting for their next turn to come around. The game includes a tally sheet for the winners, so you can easily track each child’s progress.

This game is a great way to teach students about permutations and their counting skills while they dress a snowman in different colors. It’s also a fantastic sensory activity!

Integer Activity

Developing the skills to work with integers is a crucial part of middle school math. There are many different types of games and lessons that can be used to help students master these operations.

The Integer Activity is a great math game for middle school students to learn about positive and negative integers. The game allows students to practice adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers using a deck of cards.

These task cards can be completed in a physical or digital classroom and are a great way to review basic integer rules. The digital version of the activity provides immediate feedback so you can easily assess if students are successful.

Escape Room Activity – Math Games For Middle Schoolers

Escape room games are a fun way to teach critical thinking and active learning in your classroom. They don’t require expensive equipment, and they can be adapted to meet different learning styles and levels of comprehension.

Students need to be able to use their reasoning skills and logic to solve puzzles in order to “escape” the room. They will also have to use their attention and working memory.

This can be a challenging activity to run, so make sure you plan for it. You may need to break the class up into groups or give them tasks that can be completed individually.

Math Scavenger Hunt – Preschool Math Games

The Math Scavenger Hunt is a great way to get students up and moving while practicing math. They will be solving problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Use these worksheets to create a scavenger hunt that will be fun and engaging for your students. You can place the worksheets in different locations around your school or at a local park.

In this game, students will be looking for two or four objects that when added together, measure one yard in length.

This is a great way to review and practice measurement skills for middle school students. Afterwards, you can have them graph the results of their measurements.

6th Grade Math Games

Games are a great way to reinforce learning in kids and get them interested in math. They also give kids a chance to interact with peers and make new friends. They’re also a great way to have fun and spend time together as a family.

6th Grade Math Games

And with so many different 6th grade math games available, it’s easy to find a game that will work well for your child.

Find the Root – estimation and reasoning

In this simple yet challenging math game, students use their understanding of estimation and reasoning to try to find the square root of a number. For example, if a student rolls a 6 and a 7, they can find the square root by multiplying the two numbers together, then adding them back together.

Beach Balls – one-to-one correspondence and addition – 6th Grade Math Games

Scribble two numbers on a beach ball with a Sharpie, then toss it to a student. When their thumbs land on those numbers, the student adds (or subtracts or multiplies) those numbers before tossing the ball to the next student.

Sequence Benefit – problem-solving

This simple but effective game helps students understand the various stages of solving a problem. It can be played on a whiteboard or with paper clipped cards, but it also works well on the playground.

Number Chart from 1 to 100 – color the primes – 6grade Math Games

A good place to start for this game is with the number 1. You can then ask your students to fill in the rest of the numbers with crayons.

Using 3D objects in the classroom for this game is another great idea. Have your students list a variety of 3D objects in the classroom, then estimate their volume and measure them. Then, they can compare their estimates with their actual volumes to see how accurate they were.

Jeopardy Board – graphing, geometry, area and perimeter, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and other skills

You can create your own jeopardy board with a variety of categories and point values. For example, you could set up the game with three questions from each category, with points awarded for each correct answer.

The first team to guess all the answers correctly wins!

Circles – one-to-one correspondence

In this simple yet challenging math game, your child can practice number recognition and one-to-one correspondence by drawing circles on a large sheet of paper. They can then take turns circling the right number, and then popping a balloon that matches it.

Turnover a Red 8 or Black 4 – 6 Grades Math Games

This simple but engaging game will help your child understand that numbers are one-to-one. It will also teach them that even numbers are whole numbers and odd numbers are decimals.

If your child knows how to play this game, they can also use their knowledge of addition and subtraction to figure out what a red 8 means when added or multiplied by a black 4. They may want to try this out on a small scale to see how they can improve!

Math Games For 5th Graders

Fiveth grade math is a big year, but with the right games kids can stay engaged. Fifth graders encounter new concepts like fractions, graphing, and early algebra.

A simple game with a twist can help kids practice those skills in fun ways. Here are a few to get you started.


Multiplication is a powerful math concept, so it’s important to make sure your students understand how to apply it in real-life situations. This includes understanding the concept of factors, which are the numbers you multiply together to get the answer.

To help kids learn this concept, try a game of cards that’s similar to Rock-Paper-Scissors. Rather than holding out a single finger, players hold out random numbers and the first person to correctly multiply them together wins a point.

Another great way to practice facts is with a memory game. Write a series of products on the whiteboard and mix in a few random numbers too. Send two students up to the board and ask them to find the correct answers.

Math Games For 5th Graders

If you’re teaching an area model, you can also use a circle as a way to practice multiplication. Write a set of products on sticky notes and place them around the circle. The player that can get their foot on the number 20–if they can–wins!

This is a fun game that can be played with partners or alone. It’s a great way to practice the concept of factors, and it can even be used as an extension activity for students who are already familiar with the area model.

A multiplication flash card app is a quick and easy way to practice basic multiplication facts. Times Tables Hero is one of the few apps that emphasizes game-like play, and its ranking system rewards users who can clear a deck of cards fast.

In addition to being a fun and challenging way to practice facts, this app also allows you to compete against other users for a spot on the ‘HERO’ rankings. It’s also a great way to encourage teamwork, as you can split the class into two teams and have them battle it out for the most points!

This fun, low-prep game will help your students develop their fact fluency and increase their ability to think about the relationship between division and multiplication. The cards are a great way to practice the idea of division as the inverse operation, and the self-checking process will help them remember to check their work before submitting it.

Division – Math Games For 5th Graders

Division is a crucial part of the foundational math skills that students need to learn and retain. Learning to divide is important because it helps kids understand the process of fractions and how they relate to real-life applications.

Often times, teachers find that teaching division can be tricky, especially when it involves larger numbers. But these fun, engaging division games for 5th graders make the concepts easier to grasp and remember!

Start any lesson on division with this fun mini-lesson that challenges students to match word problems with their right-answer puzzle pieces. Once they’ve mastered the concept, they can create their own division word wall as a visual reminder!

For an even more creative way to teach division, try this game. It’s called “Divide and Share,” and it uses counters like pom-pom cherries to keep students focused on the math concept of division.

To play this division strategy game, students roll three dice and determine the division problem that gives them the highest quotient (rounded to the nearest whole number). They can earn 10 bonus points if they don’t add any remainders to their equation.

Another simple but effective way to introduce and reinforce the concept of division is with a fun story time. This book is great for younger learners, but it’s also a good choice for older students who are looking for ways to review their division facts.

If you have a large class, you might consider making this division word wall as an entire class activity. Each student is given a set of equations that they can personalize with a fact about themselves or their family.

In this fun learning math game for SplashLearn, kids learn to quickly divide 4-digit numbers by a single-digit number, computing the quotient and the remainder (if any). The easy-to-grasp games aligned with Common Core standards for grade-5 further hones the skill in dividing numbers involving fractions and double-digit divisors.

In addition to the math games that are listed below, you can also find a number of online and printable division practice worksheets. Some of the games are quite challenging, but they aren’t overly difficult and the focus is on fun and learning.

Fractions – Math Games For Grade 5

Fractions are a tricky subject for many kids, but they can be made easier with the help of games. These fun math games for 5th graders will give your student the practice they need to master this important concept.

In addition to helping your child learn how to recognize and use fractions, these games will also help them learn about their applications in the real world. They’ll learn how to convert proper and mixed fractions, and they’ll be able to practice their skills while enjoying some fun!

One of the best ways to teach your child about fractions is by using visual models like LEGOS or DUPLOS blocks. This will make the concept much more concrete and will ensure your child retains the information for longer periods of time.

Another visual model for teaching your child about fractions is by showing them fraction strips. These strips can be made from a piece of paper, and you can cut them into different fractions, allowing your child to see the concepts change as they move forward.

You can find fraction strips on the internet and at your local bookstore. The best part is that they’re free!

The Adding Fractions app by Thinkster Math is an excellent example of a simple app designed to help your child practice their fraction skills. It has multiple-choice quizzes and a fun game-like design. The quizzes advance the player if they answer correctly, and drop them back if they answer incorrectly.

This fun game can be played indoors or outdoors and is a great way to practice identifying fractions. Students will take turns laying down fraction cards that they have been given.

After each turn, they will have to match a card with the equivalent fraction on a gum ball machine that they’ve been given. If you want to take this game to the next level, consider including a few harder cards, such as decimals.

The game can be played indoors or outdoors and can be a great way to practice identifying fractions and converting proper fractions. It can also be a fun way to test your student’s understanding of equivalent fractions, so they can show off their knowledge and get the recognition they deserve.

Algebra – Math Games 5th Grade

Fifth grade is a critical year for students as they learn to integrate math skills into their everyday lives. They will start to build more advanced mathematical concepts, and it is also a time where some students feel pressured to do well in their quizzes and exams. Taking a break from class to play math games can help solidify these skills and make learning enjoyable.

Algebra is a complex subject that uses variables, equations and mathematical operations to understand sets of data. The concept of algebra can be applied to a wide range of situations, from business, industry and science to daily life.

The most common use of algebra is to solve problems involving numbers, fractions and ratios. It is also used to model and interpret data in different ways.

Another important algebra concept is graphing. Drawing geometric shapes can be challenging for many students, but this game can help them practice their skills and create fun graphs that can be a good starting point in the study of geometry.

This game is great for teaching a number of topics related to graphing, including identifying positive and negative numbers and ordered pairs. It is also helpful for introducing students to the concepts of fractions, which are often a confusing and difficult topic.

Tug Team Tractor is a fun way to practice multiplication and division, while helping students work together. Students form teams and then solve multiplication sums that pop up on the screen. Once they’ve solved all of the problems, they must then pull the opposite team to cross over the halfway mark.

Fractions is another area of focus for fifth graders, and this game helps kids to understand unit fractions in a fun and engaging manner. Players draw four cards and then multiply, add or subtract the fractions to create the largest sized fraction that will win them the game.

Algebra is a complicated subject that can be difficult to grasp for some students, but it is an important part of the mathematics curriculum. It is also a valuable skill for students to have in the future, as it can be used to analyze data and find patterns.

Free Math Games For 4th Graders

Math games are a great way to teach kids about math. They can also help improve a student’s creativity and increase their mathematical literacy.

Fourth graders are in a prime position to benefit from math games because they’re already starting to learn about factor pairs and place value. They’ll also be learning multiplication and division facts.

Numbers Up

If your fourth graders are starting to feel discouraged about math, then they may need some new fun ways to practice their skills. Thankfully, there are plenty of great games for 4th graders online that will help them overcome any negative feelings about math they have been developing.

Numbers Up is a free math game that requires players to move fast. It also has a memory mechanic that will influence how well they do in the game.

Free Math Games For 4th Graders

The main goal of the game is to divide numbers by a remainder. To play the game, students place a counter over a number on the board. They then roll a die to see what number they will divide that number by.

This is a great way for fourth graders to develop their understanding of division with remainders. It is also a great game for students to learn about decimals and fractions.

Math Bingo – Free Math Games For 4th Graders

Math Bingo is a free app that allows kids to practice basic math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This app features a number of difficulty levels for each game type to challenge kids from kindergarten to middle school.

In this free math game, kids tap to mark the correct answer squares on a 5×5 bingo card. Each time a player marks five in a row, they win.

The game also saves players’ information with custom player profiles. These profiles feature a unique name (up to 20 characters) and a fun cartoon avatar.

Children can earn high scores and collect Bingo Bugs by answering math questions correctly. Their times are posted on a device-level scoreboard, and kids who can complete the easiest or hardest levels fastest will earn a bingo bug to use in a separate game.

Fun Math Games For 4th Graders – Lines of Symmetry

Identifying lines of symmetry is a challenging math skill for students who struggle with visual processing. Fortunately, you can teach this important foundational concept with this online math game.

Lines of Symmetry is a fun and engaging free math game for 4th graders that will help them practice this valuable skill. Each question presents a shape and a dotted line across the figure, then asks whether the dotted line is a line of symmetry.

The dotted line divides the shape into two identical parts, each mirroring the other. These symmetrical figures are useful in solving many puzzles and activities.

This activity is perfect for kids who are learning about symmetry and want to build their sleuthing skills. They can cut out the half of the shapes and paste them against the other halves to complete the shape.

Shapes Tally – Math For Fourth Graders Games

Shapes Tally is an excellent math game for kids to practice counting objects, numbers and shapes. You can use this activity in the classroom or outside on a walk.

This fun printable will help students learn how to count by 2s, 3s, 4s and even up to 10s! It also helps them practice skip counting and number recognition.

Practicing counting is one of the most important skills that kids need to develop before they graduate into grade 5. With this free worksheet, you can make it fun for them by giving them a sheet of shapes to find as they walk around.

You can also use this activity to teach children how to sort by odd and even numbers, place value or more or less than a given number. These fun Carroll diagrams are perfect for this purpose, and they feature different levels of difficulty so they can be played again and again!

Math For 3rd Graders Games

As students advance through third grade, they are faced with a whole host of new math skills to learn. These include multiplication and division, fractions, place value, and more! Fortunately, there are several kinds of math for 3rd graders games that can help them practice their new concepts and develop confidence in their learning.

Independent Learning

These kinds of math games for grade 3 encourage children to work independently and come up with their own solutions to problems. This helps them to develop a growth mindset and makes learning more fun! This is especially helpful for students who have had trouble focusing during class or have been struggling with math.

Measurement Perception

These games are great for helping kids understand measurement and learn about different lengths.

Math For 3rd Graders Games

They can divide the kids into teams and ask them to find objects of different lengths, like things that are 1 centimeter long, 1 meter long, or 1 foot long. Once they’ve found them, they can use a scale to measure and cross-check!

Playing with Lego Bricks – Math For 3rd Graders Games

This game helps kids develop fluency in comparing fractions with like denominators. Using Lego bricks to represent fractions will also help them to think about which part of the whole each block represents.

Fraction Match: Simplifying fractions is another concept that children begin to learn in third grade. This game is easy to do and involves writing a fraction on one half of a plastic egg and a simplified version of that same fraction on the other. Afterward, have the child separate the two halves and put them back together again.

Math Games For Third Graders

Hot Potato: This game is an excellent way to keep students’ brains active and focused on math. They can read a math problem and stand up when they’re right or sit down when they’re wrong.

Then, the person who has the ball gets to pick a question and answer it! This game is particularly good for students with limited mobility and for those who aren’t comfortable in front of the board.

SplashLearn: This free online math game for third graders is perfect for teachers and parents looking for a fun, engaging way to reinforce classroom learning. It is designed to teach over 350 math concepts and is a great way to get kids excited about learning

Third Grade Math Games Free.

A Fun way to review Multiplication and Division Facts: This car racing game for grades 3 and up teaches multiplication facts in an exciting, fun way! It is designed to be played by 2-4 players and includes a customizable scoreboard.

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest 10 and 100: This fun math game will help kids improve their addition, subtraction, and multiplication skills while they round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred. It will also help them understand the importance of regrouping and how to keep track of their answers!

Race to the Finish Line: This car racing game for grades 3 and 4 is designed to help students practice adding, subtracting, and multiplying their numbers. It will also help them understand how to add and multiply numbers quickly.

Math Games For 2nd Graders Free

If you want to make math more engaging for your 2nd grade students, try incorporating a few math games into your learning routine. The games will help them focus on core math skills and increase their confidence in doing so.

Second-grade math skills include addition and subtraction, place value, measuring, fractions, and more. These free math games for kids can be a great way to introduce them to these concepts.

Turtle Diary

Turtle Diary is a free online math game that will help kids improve their basic math skills. Its unique and exciting games help kids practice their math facts while having fun. The games also teach students how to make sense of math facts and how to apply them in real-world situations.

Turtle Diary has a variety of second grade math games for students to play, from addition to mixed operations. These games are designed to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of important concepts, like place value and estimating and rounding numbers.

Multiplication and division are both extremely challenging concepts for kids in second grade, but these games will help them learn to master them in a more engaging way than rote memorization with flashcards. This is because it incorporates visual and tactile learning into the game, which can help with retention.

Math Games For 2nd Graders Free

These games also show graphics that will help kids see the number groups in a more numeric form. This will help them memorize the facts faster and be able to recall them more accurately in the future.

For example, a relaxing Color by Number game has multiplication embedded into it so students can practice while coloring. The games on Turtle Diary are so entertaining that students won’t even realize they’re actually studying!

Another fun way to practice math is by playing puzzle games. There are tangram puzzles that require students to manipulate shapes into a specific picture. They can also play logic-type Tetris games that have them making pictures with a set of shapes.

Many of the puzzles are interactive and have fun sounds and music that kids love. These games also allow kids to learn different shapes and patterns while having fun.

The best part about these games is that they’re free to download and play on your computer, tablet, or phone. You can even play them on the go, so your child will never miss out on a lesson again!

Second graders should have a strong grasp of basic geometrical concepts by the end of this school year. Turtle Diary has a variety of games that will help them develop their geometry skills and boost their confidence in these areas. The apps will also help them practice counting and sequencing. They will also learn to count in more than one direction and skip-count, which is a valuable skill that can help them in math and other subjects.

Math Game Time – Math Games For 2nd Graders Free

Math games can help students learn and practice their math skills while having fun. They can also help children to develop a positive attitude towards math and to build their confidence in their abilities.

In addition, playing math games can help kids to build their logic and critical thinking skills. These games can also be used as an extracurricular activity or a supplement to school-based learning.

If you are looking for a fun and engaging way to teach your second graders about math, consider using the free online games at Math Game Time. The site offers a variety of math games that will appeal to children of all ages and interests, from racing games to logic games.

A fun and interactive way to introduce your kids to money is by playing a penny race game. This game is simple to play and will give them an opportunity to practice counting, adding, and subtracting coins.

Another great way to teach students about money is by making them work with money puzzles. This simple but effective game is easy to print and requires students to add up the coins they uncover. You can customize the game to include different coin values, such as cents, nickels, and dimes.

The math skills involved in this game will help your second graders to learn and understand the concepts of adding and subtracting coins. It can also be a useful tool in preparing them for more advanced financial math lessons in the future.

Besides practicing their math skills, students can use this game to practice their reading skills as well. They can write out the correct amount of time it takes them to do each task and they can also read the answers aloud as they complete it.

Keeping the students busy and engaged during class is important, but it can be difficult to find the time to do so during busy periods in the school day. For this reason, many teachers are turning to online math games to keep their students interested and engaged during class.

Mystery Math Museum – Math Games For 2nd Graders Online

Mystery Math Museum is an engaging, immersive app that kids can use to practice their math skills while traveling through various museums. Each museum is themed and has an interactive exhibit room that children can explore while learning math.

The game allows parents to customize which operations and number ranges are covered by the app, which is a great feature for families who want to focus on specific math skills. Often there are multiple correct answers to a question, which helps kids learn to see the different ways that math equations can be solved.

This app also features a cool player avatar creator that allows children to customize their character’s name and look. It’s fun to create and gives kids a sense of accomplishment that can help with their confidence when playing.

One of the best parts about this app is that it offers unlimited user profiles. Individual game settings and progress are saved in each profile, so you can create different profiles tailored for your child’s specific skills and practice.

In addition, this app poses challenging math exercises in an engaging way. However, the lack of feedback for incorrect answers is a drawback that can be frustrating for kids who are struggling with their math.

This is a great app for preschoolers and kindergartners to practice their mental math skills without the need for reading instructions. It also has a cool animated tree that has birds and fruits that students can tap to count.

The app is free to download and comes with a variety of fun, interactive talking portraits that can be earned while playing. The app also has multiple levels of difficulty and bonus rewards for completing the game.

Another great feature of this app is that it has a cool interface that makes it easy to navigate. Children can also skip questions or use “lifelines” to avoid them, but there is no feedback for incorrect answers, which can be frustrating for students who are struggling with their math skills.

Math Games For Kids – Online Math Games For 2nd Graders

Math games are an excellent way to teach and develop your child’s math skills. They can help your child to practice and master their basic facts, understand place value and multiplication and delve deeper into a variety of concepts like skip counting and money. These games also offer an engaging and rewarding experience for your child.

Some of the best math games for 2nd graders free are those that make learning fun and challenging. These include math flashcards and games that help your child to learn and apply their addition, subtraction and multiplication facts. They also help to develop your child’s mental calculation skills as well as their strategic thinking and memory skills.

Another great math game is the addition snake that combines the classic cellphone game Snake with simple math equations. This game is a lot of fun and can be played on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

There are lots of other fun games on the website that will get your child to think on their feet and use their arithmetic skills. They include card games, a 2048 Legend game and a fun dice game that will help your child to develop their logic, reasoning and mathematical skills.

These math games for 2nd graders will also help your child to develop their understanding of numbers and the concept of time. They will also be able to learn about graphing and measure their surroundings using measuring tapes and scales.

You can play this multiplication game with a partner or with your entire class. The goal is to fill in the grid with the correct number.

Toy Theater is a website that offers interactive games to help children learn and enjoy math. This site has games that can be played on a PC, tablet or mobile phone and are perfect for homeschooling families.

This website is a great place to find math games for your kids, as they are aligned with the Common Core Standards. It has hundreds of games that are sure to keep your child engaged and motivated.

This website offers a wide range of free online games for kids that are suitable for kindergarten through grade 5. These games are fun, easy to learn and use, and they allow your child to earn rewards as they complete each game. They are a great way to introduce your child to a variety of learning concepts and help them to build their confidence in their abilities.

Math Games For Grade 1

First grade is an important time for teaching students how to learn and love math. Games are a great way to make learning fun and help kids remember important skills.

First graders are learning a variety of different skills, including addition and subtraction. This collection of online math games helps them practice those basic concepts while also having fun.


Addition is a critical part of first grade math curriculum. It helps students understand whole number relationships, place value, and linear measurement.

First grade math apps and games cover these concepts through engaging scenarios that are relatable to your students. They can use them in self-directed, group, or partner work.

Math Games For Grade 1

For example, Turtle Diary provides fun games that scaffold learning, helping kids practice basic math facts one step at a time.

Another great way to practice addition facts fluency is by playing a game called “shut the box.” This activity is a sneaky way to test your child’s knowledge of addition facts by practicing it in a hidden way.


Subtraction and subtracting operations are an important part of learning math. Students need to learn how to add and subtract one-digit numbers within ten, as well as understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.

The following games are designed to help your students master this skill! They’ll have fun working with numbers and equations while engaging in exciting game play.

Kids love a challenge, so give them a race around the room to solve subtraction problems! Set out a number line on the floor and let them roll a die.

The first student to answer wins that round, and the next student moves on to the next one. This is an easy way to engage all your students in a competitive game while practicing their math skills!


Multiplication is a critical skill for children to master. They need to understand what it means and how it is related to other math concepts like addition, subtraction and division.

There are many different ways to teach kids about multiplication and division. One way is to expose them to visual models that help them build a conceptual understanding.

Arrays are an excellent visual model for teaching multiplication. They show how to break 2-digit numbers into blocks of unit “ones,” tens and hundreds.

Division – Math Games For Grade 1

Division is a tricky concept for kids to learn, but it’s essential for a strong foundation. Teaching students the relationship between multiplication and division, as well as the strategies they can use when they encounter this math concept outside of school, is a great way to build a solid understanding of the topic.

To help students feel more confident with division, use a variety of visual models to introduce the concept. Using a model that represents division as equal sharing of objects between multiple groups is an excellent strategy for beginners, and helps students move quickly from multiplication facts to division.

Math Games For First Grade – Place Value

Place value is one of the most important topics in elementary school math, but it can be tricky for young children to understand. Many children struggle to connect this abstract concept with real-life experiences, which is why it is important to use manipulatives when teaching this skill.

In order to make this learning process more accessible, we’ve put together some great place value games that will help kids to understand the concept and master it more easily. These games can be played by students of different ages and learning levels. These are also great for helping students develop their fine motor skills.

Counting – First Grade Math Games

Counting is a crucial aspect of learning maths and counting games for grade 1 are great ways to get kids engaged in the process. Some of these counting games include matching numbers to objects, count races, roll and cover, and more!

Moreover, count-on and count-back skills are also important. They help students learn how to recognize number sequences and cross boundaries like 9/10, 19/20 etc.

Counting is essential for first graders because it helps them develop fluency in addition and subtraction strategies, place value and fractions. It also helps them develop a sense of quantity and understand how to measure objects.

Kindergarten Math Games

Kindergarten math games are a great way for children to practice their numeracy skills in a fun and engaging way. These games will help children develop their number sense, addition, subtraction, shapes and other basic skills that they will need to learn in later years.

Kindergarten Math Games

The best kindergarten math games use fun, colorful graphics and characters to engage kids in learning math. These games are designed by teachers to meet the needs of kindergartners and are great for building confidence in their math skills.

Counting with Cups

Kids love stacking cups, and this math game makes it easy for them to count in the process. Gather 100 plastic cups labeled from 1 to 100 and have your child stack them in numerical order, counting out loud as they go. You can turn this into a friendly competition for the kids by having them set a time limit to see how fast they can build their tower.

Number Comparison Game – Math Games For Kindergarten

Kindergarteners learn to compare numbers and this number comparison game is a great way to get them started. To play, you’ll need some small toys and polyhedral dice.

Place Value and Multiplication – Kindergarten Math Games

One of the most important things that kindergarten students need to understand is place value and how it works with numbers. To teach this concept, you’ll need 3 to 4 colorful buckets and some marbles or balls that have the different place values.

Once you’ve set up your buckets, have your child throw a handful of marbles or balls into each of the buckets. Then, have them multiply the face value of the balls to find out what the different place values mean in terms of a single number.

Another way to introduce place values is to create a colorful hundred chart and practice counting and identifying numbers on it. This can be done with a simple hundred chart or one that has multiple sections. You can also make a sticky hundred chart by painting the surface with contact paper or using a paint pen to write numbers in large letters.

Hi-Low Card Game – Free Math Games For Kindergarten

This math game for kindergarten is a fun and exciting way to practice adding and subtracting. Each player draws a pair of cards from their respective decks.

Next, they have to match the cards they’ve drawn with the corresponding cards already in their hands. It’s a competitive game that can be played by two kids at the same time.

The winning player gets to keep all of the cards in their pile.

If you have more than one kid, you can put them in teams and let them race to be the first to get all the cards in their piles. This is a great way to teach them how to compete with each other and practice balancing their score as well.

Monster Math

This digital math game is a great way for children to practice their addition and subtraction skills. It’s easy to set up and teaches kids addition through adorable animal characters.